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  • Writer's pictureCatee Delaloye

Filmmaker Spotlight: Interview with Audrey Goodman

Updated: May 20, 2020

Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? How did you get into filmmaking? 

Hi! My name is Audrey Goodman. I am from San Diego, California, but currently live in LA. My parents introduced my sister and I to the arts at a young age. I grew up doing theatre and my parents even owned a community theatre company for a while. This taught me so much about production, acting and effective ways to tell stories.

In college, I accidentally auditioned for an improv team and was cast! I fell in love with comedy and knew I wanted a career in it. After graduating from UC Irvine with a BA in Drama, I headed to Second City Hollywood where I learned the art of sketch comedy. This really helped me develop my voice in writing and performing.

During this time, my roommates and I began a youtube channel called Horse Door where we produce, write and act in weekly sketches which gave me the confidence and education to move forward with filmmaking.

Why did you make your film?

During my time at Second City, I was lucky to be a writer and performer in the all female sketch comedy show, Live Rude Girls. This sparked my love for writing female driven comedy.

I reflected a lot on all my favorite comedies. I realized that the films I grew up with and have helped shape my comedic voice are very male dominated. I’ve always wanted to see a female Napoleon Dynamite or female Rod from Hot Rod. I see myself in these characters so much, but there is such a lack of women in these films. I never wanted to be the girlfriend or hot neighbor, I wanted to create a film where I could play someone who admits to pooping or doesn’t know how to style her hair. I wanted to play someone who reflects the forgotten women and girls, I know.

On top of this, we rarely see strong older women in film. We see so many stereotypes of grandma’s hitting ‘youngins’ with their purses. I wanted to see grandma’s that have color and personality. Grandma’s that inspire each other and in turn the audience.

What was your favorite part about making the film?

I loved the whole process. Hearing that people love and believe in something you’ve created is magical. It was amazing to work with someone like, Becca, our director. She is fearless and straight up just called Mindy Sterlings agent to cast her and somehow she did it. Talk about confidence!

Having the cast we did was also a dream come true. Working with so many actors that I genuinely look up to was incredible. Watching Pam Murphy and Jim O’heir riff off of each other was an improvisors dream. And I’m sorry but who wouldn’t want Helen Slayton-Hughes to sit there and insult you??

Most challenging? 

Crowd funding!! This was incredibly humbling. I hate asking for help. But I knew we wouldn’t be able to create this without the help of others. We did two rounds of crowd funding and both times were hard, terrifying and also humbling. There were many moments that I didn’t think it would be possible. But if you are passionate, apparently others will follow and believe in you! I am so grateful to have a heck of a community who helped me make this dream come true.

What did you learn while making it?

I learned to trust my gut. Throughout this process I believed everyone else knew better than I did even though it was my script and my vision! In retrospect, that was all in my head. Everyone was there to support the vision and help make it come to life. I learned that I know a lot more than I thought I did and to be confident in that! But also, asking questions it ok too.

What do you hope the audience takes away from the film?

I hope the audience loves these characters and is empowered by them! I also hope they are inspired to create amazing female characters of their own.

I also hope the audience just enjoys this film. I hope that this can be a fun experience for everyone. I also hope it’s a lesson that women of all ages are funny!

What are you working on next?

I’m hoping to produce I am Evelyn Rose as a feature, I already have the script! So I’d love to move forward with it.

Other than that, I am currently a writer’s assistant on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and am hoping to continue learning and move my way up in TV writing.

Where can we follow your work?

I am always posting updates of my work on Instagram: @itsaudreygoodman

Or you could check out my youtube channel:

Anything else you’d like to add? 

I’d like to thank the full cast and crew of I am Evelyn Rose. Without them we wouldn’t be where Lastly, thank YOU Female Voices Rock for helping us with our public premiere, we are so honored to be your short film of the week!

P.S. Girls do poop. It’s biology.

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